Weightlessness – by Jacob

I feel weightlessness touching me at this moment. Weightlessness brings me peace and plants quietness in my soul. I sense weightlessness when all of my cares and burdens and weights and frustrations are handed over to the throne of my Heavenly Father. Weightlessness keeps me still. It keeps me calm. It keeps me restful. It keeps me peaceful. It keeps me secure. I lay all of my cares aside to dwell securely and privately in perfect peace and rest. As I relax in the presence of my Heavenly Father, I feel more and more weightlessness bubbling up inside of my heart. It’s so simple to rest freely in the peace of the Prince of Peace. I quiet myself freely in the Father’s easy yoke and light burden. In this weightlessness, I come to Him with my weary and restless soul and I find rest and weightlessness courtesy of my Heavenly Father. I freely rest and receive peace and weightlessness. I know for a fact that His presence is here when I sense rest and peace and weightlessness. There is no agenda, no expectation, I just simply sit or lie and rest myself and soak myself up in the peace and the presence of my Heavenly Father. Soaking in constant weightlessness couldn’t be more freer and rewarding. I feel that my heart deserves rest and weightlessness. I feel that my soul deserves peace and weightlessness. Weightlessness to me feels like endless peace like a river speaking to my heart. In the midst of repeated noise and chaos, when my Heavenly Father speaks to me in His still, small voice, I turn on deaf mode when it comes to too much noise and turn my attention on the voice urging me to “be still and know that He is here.” When I do that, I feel weightlessness instantly. In my world, weightlessness plants in me a peace that no one can ever explain or provide to me. I feel a rest that is so unspeakable. I hope you can feel an abundance of weightlessness, too, when the world is too much for you to bear. Prayers and wishes of peace!

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