What We're About
The PB Network was created by Patrick Barney. Patrick was born with Spina Bifida and was autistic (highly functioning). One day Pat was watching Jeopardy and asked his brother John “how come I can’t be on Jeopardy or any of my friends. Let’s come up with our own TV show just for our community.” Patrick created Pat Barney’s Quiz Wiz and hosted the show at his improv class and at his other day programs. Patrick wanted to share his vision with the community across the US. We began to create a website that streams Pat Barney’s Quiz Wiz and other meaningful daily activities for our community in 2019. Unfortunately, Patrick passed away in 2020. To carry on Patrick’s vision, his brothers developed The PB Network in 2021.
The PB Network.com provides meaningful daily activities for Day Program participants, Residences, and individuals to participate in community involvement, gaining confidence, working with others, sharing ideas, developing verbal, and writing skills and having fun!
The PB Network provides the platform for all the meaningful activities to be shown on our website. All TV Shows are streamed, all quiz games and stories as well as our community posts are available on Thepbnetwork.com.

John Barney
John Barney
Hi! This website was a goal of brother Pat. He lived his life to the fullest making people laugh, smile, and helping one another. Please enjoy our original TV Shows, our Social Media Page, and share your stories on Our Story page. Most importantly, this is our site. Let’s get connected!!! You can always get in touch with me at John.barney5@gmail.com.

Fred Barney

Shelley Cox
Shelly Cox
I am the mother of three amazing adult children. Kristina, Kimberly and Travis. All three have taught me what good and not so good parenting looks like. Kristina was born with Cerebral Palsy and has been my Muse in my Career. Kimberly has been my alter ego and holds me accountable, Travis is a steady liner thinker, and John My husband is the glue that holds us all together.
I am the owner and founder of Step by Step Programs & Services Founded in 1998, TIPS-foundation (Tools for Intervention and purposeful strategies a nonprofit organization) and, I am the author and developer of EDU-Ther-A-Play ™ a theory and practice.
My BS is in Human Development with an emphasis in early childhood and special populations, I have an Ma in Counseling, a MS in Psychology with a specialty in pre and peri natal Psychology and Health. And have completed my doctorial course work in Clinical Psychology.
I have been active in many founding organizations including the Family Resource Center’s of California, The California Early Start legislation and coordination, the Infant Development Association of California and have been a national advocate.
The program I founded provides individualized support programs for individuals who have intellectual differences. My passion is infants and toddlers, but they grow up and continue to need programs. As my daughter grew up so did my programs.
The entire Cox family has been instrumental in the development of programs and services and continue to be my support and strength.

Lisa Szilagyi
Lisa Szilagyi
Lisa is a credentialed Special Education Teacher, who has worked primarily with teens and young adults with moderate to severe disabilities. Lisa began her career in special education after the birth of her daughter, Emily. Emily was born in 1989, with a genetic disorder, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Lisa worked at Malibu High school for over 17 years, teaching the Life Skills class.
In 2010, Lisa collaborated with a group of parents to found the Aurelia Foundation, with the goal of creating a quality Day program to serve the needs of adults with disabilities once they have left the school system. The Creative Steps Community Integration Program began in 2013, and currently supports over 75 adults with a variety of different disabilities. Lisa is the Chief Programs Officer of the Aurelia Foundation- Creative Steps Day program. We currently have program locations in Santa Monica, Westlake Village and our newest program location in Torrance.
Lisa is also a co-Founder and co-Director of Hand in Hand, an after school social skills inclusion program at the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue. In 2011, Lisa was honored to be a recipient of The Malibu Times Citizens of the Year Dolphin Award, for her work with special needs students in the Malibu area.
- Special Education Teacher, Level II Credential, Moderate/Severe.
- Parent of a 30 year-old daughter with a disability.
- Taught the Life Skills class at Malibu High school from 2001 through 2013
- From 1996 – 2001, worked at Malibu High School as a paraeducator.
- In 2002, helped start the Malibu High Chapter of the Best Buddies Club,
- In 2010, collaborated with a group of parents to create the Aurelia Foundation, with the goal of creating a quality Day program to serve the needs of adults with disabilities once they have left the school system.
- In 2013, became Program Director of the Creative Steps Community Integration Program.
- Responsible for Creative Steps growth from supporting 9 Clients in Santa Monica in 2013, to currently supporting over 80 adults across 3 locations.
- Responsibilities as Director of the Aurelia Foundation- Creative Steps Day program include creating and overseeing the development and implementation of the Creative Steps vision and program design, overseeing staff training and development, and the continuing improvement of the program.
- Strong background in person-centered thinking and planning, including facilitating several Person-Centered Planning sessions.
- From 1989 to 2001, worked as a volunteer community liaison for the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, providing outreach and support to families with children diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, and organizing fundraisers to support research into TSC.
- In 2010, co-founded the Hand in Hand afternoon social skills and inclusion program at the Malibu Jewish Center.
Credentials and Certifications:
Level II Credential, Moderate/Severe
CPI Certified
ACRE Certified
PECS Level 1 Certification
2018 Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance “Courage in Leadership” Award
2017 Women’s International Film & Television Showcase “Visionary Award for Career Achievement”
2012 Malibu High School PTSA Honorary Service Award
2011 Malibu Times “Citizen of the Year Dolphin Award”
2003 Malibu Special Education Foundation “Teacher of the Year” Award
2002 Best Buddies Special Education Advisor of the year Award

Travis Cox

Carl Murray