The Three Little Stars, by Julia

There were Three Little Stars, one was Blue, one was Yellow, and the last one was Red. They were the best of friends…until they encountered the green star.

The Green star began to point out the flaws in their friendship.

The Red star didn’t buy it, but the Yellow and Blue stars reluctantly agreed with the Green star that red tended to be angry with them all the time.

The Red star began to worry that Yellow and Blue didn’t want to be their friend anymore.

Blue and Yellow had a truce together figuring it out if Green was right and Red is wrong.

Then they both came to a conclusion and said to the Green star “Red can get angry sometimes, but they are our best friend and we wouldn’t want anybody else who is as honest and courageous like they are.

Filled with joy, Red began to hug and thank Yellow and Blue for standing up to them.

Shattered by this revelation, Green star began to shout “how are you guys okay with this, Red isn’t a true friend, I am.”

Then Red said, “Then maybe we can be friends so you can prove that you’re a true friend like you claim to be.”

Green wasn’t so sure, until they faced the Three Little Stars who are valuing them in their friends group.

The Green willingly began to join their group.

Now The Three Little Stars have a new friend.

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