Sinking in Peace – by Jacob

Sinking in His peace feels so comfortable and brings extreme pleasure. All I want to do is just sink in peace. All I love to do is sink in my Heavenly Father’s perfect peace passing all understanding. I feel calm when I sink in pleasuring peace. Pleasuring peace like no other person or thing would be able to give unto me like my Heavenly Father can. When I sink in peace, I feel heaven touching me like pure, clean water. I sink in peace when I am asleep at night and when I awaken in the morning. Sinking in peace is 100% happiness. Sinking in peace is complete bliss. Sinking in peace is total calmness. Sinking in peace to me is sinking in God’s presence. There is never a moment, ever, that I have no desire of sinking in peace. Sinking in peace feels like heaven. When I am sinking in peace, I am drowning into a reservoir of perfect calmness that is infinite. I am a finite creature who is lovingly attached to infinite peacefulness. I feel even more attached to infinite peacefulness when I am sinking in peace. Sinking in peace takes me to a place of infinity where everything is perfect, just right, and endless. I can never, ever stop sinking in peace, ever. Sinking in peace feels like springtime and summertime in my eyes because peacefulness and calmness blooms and blossoms from within my heart and feels so warm and breezy. Sinking in peace is a ray of sunshine to me and I feel rainbows and sunshine whenever I am sinking in peace. I can never, ever get tired of sinking in peace. Sinking in peace is my number-one comfort zone on the planet where I feel happy and calm. I could just repeat the title of this story over and over and over again — sinking in peace, sinking in peace, sinking in peace, sinking in peace, sinking in peace!!!! I feel complete softness and tenderness when I am sinking in peace. I am carried away to a place of comfort, safety, and security when I am sinking in peace. There is an abundance of fullness and fruitfulness when I am sinking in peace. It is a never-ending cycle of bliss and calm when I am sinking in peace. I highly encourage that sinking in peace will lower your stress and blood pressure levels and that you, as a result of sinking in peace, can come back to a place of living freer, happier, and healthier.

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