Scott’s Experience at The Artist In All at The Art Institute

On Monday May 20th there was an Artist In All Red Carpet at the Jean Marie Ryan Center.  The time for this Red Carpet event was in the morning.  The painting I did for the Red Carpet was called Lake Michigan Chicago. The things I did about my painting, I used lots of different colors. And I use regular paint.


On Tuesday May 21st was the main event and it was at The Art of Institute in the Modern Wing. At the Artist In All both of my parents came, my family friend Sue, my friend Matt, Laura, my cousin David and Katie. I had a great time. I was wearing my black suit with my new purple tie. The food I ate was a double burger and chicken and I was drinking water.  At the Artist in All they played a clip it was from Wonder Woman and Linda Carter and it was for Bill White. My dad was trying to win my painting but at the last minute they out bid my dad. The frame color of my painting is gray.

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