Quieting My Heart – by Jacob

My heart is quieted today. I receive my peace from the Prince of Peace. I receive it freely as a gift like a child would freely receive a gift at Christmastime. I quiet my heart before the throne of God and set my eyes above His presence. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father lets me listen to His still, small voice speaking to me. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father removes me from all anxiety and frustrations and gives me comfort and rest. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father helps me to keep my eyes and my mind on Him always and exalt Him above anything else in this world. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father encourages me to genuinely pray to Him and meditate on His Word day and night. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father helps me to be still and know that His presence is next to me and that as long as He is holding me in His hands, there is nothing for me to fear or worry about. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father helps me come to Him in the midst of all nervousness and restlessness and let Him give me rest for my weary soul so that I can feel His easy yoke and His light burden. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father releases me from all sleepless and restless nights and allows me to rest like a calm, sleeping baby. Quieting my heart before my Heavenly Father gives me the assurance that I belong in His family and that there is a special, peaceful place in Heaven for me. When I quiet my heart before my Heavenly Father, these words are spoken to me: “In returning and rest is your salvation, in quietness and confidence is your strength.” I hope these words will quiet your heart before the Prince of Peace, too.


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