Peacefulness Shines – by Jacob

Today, peacefulness will shine within me. I declare it! When peacefulness shines, it is always a great day for me. Shining peacefulness is like sunlight overtaking the clouds in the sky which forms blue skies. Shining peacefulness brings warmth and calm to my heart. Whenever difficulties or hardships arise, that tempts anxiety and frustration, I tell myself, “Let there be shining peacefulness” and shining peacefulness comes immediately. When peacefulness shines in my heart, there is absolutely no room for anger, stress, nervousness, or anything of that nature. Only the light of the shining peacefulness calms me and rests in my spirit. In Philippians 4, the apostle Paul encourages me to not be anxious, but to take my requests to my Heavenly Father in prayer. As long as I do that, His peace that passes all understanding will guard me. When I make my requests known to God, peacefulness shines in my heart and in my mind. When I need instant uplifting, peacefulness will shine in me. I water seeds of peace and calmness in my heart and the peace and calmness is birthed inside of me and I get to pass that peace on to others to show them that God’s presence is being felt all around their atmosphere and that His presence is evident whenever they are in need of immediate peace due to any financial, relationship, emotional/mental, physical, or medical turmoil and stress in their lives. Whenever I pass on peace and happiness to others who need it the most, peacefulness shines in me. Today, I declare upon you and me that peacefulness will shine in us. I plead the blood of shining peacefulness all over our world, our nations, our schools, our streets, our economy, our homes, our families, our friendships, our relationships, our cars, our communities, our churches, and our lives. When peacefulness shines in us together, peacefulness shines in everyone around the world. Our world is covered and blanketed by shining peacefulness. I pray that this story warms your soul and encourages you to let your Heavenly Father’s peace abide in you so that you can be a peaceful soul to everyone around the world. Wishing you shining peacefulness!

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