Peace That Passes Understanding – by Jacob


When I declare to myself that today is a wonderful day, even when it nowhere near feels like a wonderful day, my body and my heart are calm and at peace. I can be calm and have peace even when my days are incredibly difficult and draining. I don’t have to have a perfect day in order to have peace. It is definitely possible for me to have peace and be calm during very hard and trying days and situations. Peace that passes all understanding, guarding me in Jesus Christ, is a type of peace that overtakes my entire being when everything around me seems to break out in a frenzy. I know for sure that my Heavenly Father is wrapping me closely and tightly in His arms whenever His peace that passes all understanding fills my heart and endlessly bubbles up inside of me. This peace carries me to a place where I only sense the presence and the calming rest of my Heavenly Father. Peace that passes all understanding says that it is okay and necessary for me to have peace and be calm at the same time that I could be worrying, upset, or anxious. Nothing else keeps me calm inside other than the peace and the presence of the Heavenly Father. I dare myself to be peaceful and calm on purpose, in both beautiful and challenging times. Nothing feels more comforting and restful than a sweet blanket of peace that passes all understanding in my heart. When I am drawn close to my Heavenly Father, I can definitely sense an unexplainable and unspeakable peace and calmness. This peace, according to Scripture, is the peace that passes all understanding guarding and keeping my heart and my mind. When this unexplainable and unspeakable peace is resting and residing in my heart deeply, I don’t want to hear anyone else’s voice other than the still, small, quiet voice of my Heavenly Father. Philippians 4:7 is the Scripture I meditate on all day, every day. I even sleep in that scripture in my beauty sleep from sunset to sunrise. I drink, live, breathe, and sleep this peace that passes all understanding in my heart and my mind every single second of every single minute of every single moment of every single hour of every single day of every single week of every single month of every single year of my whole, entire life. I pray that you will be willing to experience this peace that seems so incomprehensible. Happy and peaceful reading!

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