Living Lightly – by Jacob

Most of the time, burdens and weights can be really heavy and taxing. I encourage you this day to declare to yourself these words: “No weights allowed!” In other words, I recommend you to live lightly. Living lightly means to just simply spend a lot of your time taking a step back and letting your Heavenly Father do a lot of the work sometimes. If you try to figure a lot of emotionally draining situations out by yourself, your burdens and weights will get heavier and heavier, and it will cause you to worry and take matters into your own hands which can possibly give you headaches and even a heart attack. I’m not suggesting that you completely refrain from taking care of responsibilities and doing what you’re supposed to do, but I am suggesting that you just take a moment out of your day to simply rest and relax in the presence of God. Just be still and know that He is there with you. Take time to be still in order to avoid excessive stress and burnout. Release all your worries and burdens and weights to the throne. Let them fall away and just wait upon the Heavenly Father. Living lightly removes all excessive stress and burnout. Living lightly keeps you rested, happy, and healthy. Living lightly promotes more peace and calmness into your life. Living lightly removes all burdens and creates more weightlessness. Living lightly keeps you more connected to the presence of the Heavenly Father. Living lightly allows you to meditate on His Word day and night. Living lightly releases all worry and fear. Living lightly releases all panic and confusion. I encourage you, my friend, to live lightly today. It couldn’t be more freer and rewarding. Take time for yourself. Give yourself some happiness. Give yourself some peace. Give yourself some rest. Give yourself some relaxation. I encourage you to live lightly today.

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