Kristina Cox – My Story


About me

I’m an actress!  I’m an artist, I love to sing and hang out with my friends.  I have had the opportunity to be an extra on several shows.  I am hoping to do more in the future.  I love to paint and create.  Some of my favorite work is wheelchair painting.   I love color.  I have acting class (Improv) and drumming, glee club, social club with hand in hand.  I also work at a farm fellowship where I am learning how to grow, harvest and package spices.  I go to a great program called Creative Steps where they help me get jobs and participate in my community.

Krissy dancing
Krissy dancing

My Story

My Story is about Pat Barney.  He came into my life only a couple years ago but instantly we became close friends.  I call him my boyfriend but he didn’t want to be called that.  But he took me to dances, and out to lunch or dinner. We were very close.   My dear friend passed away last year.  I miss him so much.  He got very sick and his brothers all took care of him.  I would go to the hospital and hang out with him and we laughed a lot.  We bossed each other around.  His brother John would just roll his eyes at us.  He was very special to me and I miss him very much.  I am so happy to be doing things to remember him.  I know he would be really glad we are finally doing the PB Network.  I am really lucky that Pat and His brothers came into my family’s life.  We talk about the fun stuff we did and it keeps him alive in our hearts!  Pat will always be in my heart!

Pat Bossing Krissy
Krissy and Pat
Krissy and Pat

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