Jacob’s Story by Jacob

My name is Jacob and I am a huge aficionado of peace and calmness. I strongly believe that it is possible and essential to have an abundance of peace in your heart and your being 24/7 – from the moment you awaken to the moment you fall asleep. For me, consistent peace is essential. Peace is important for me because peace and calmness blocks out all unnecessary as I don’t like extreme loudness and I am more a fan of shyness and peace. I am a huge fan of peace and calmness because it helps me rest and relax whenever needed, it helps me focus and breathe, and it helps me hear and collect my inner thoughts and find my inner self. I have autism, so I may be very sensitive to too much noise and loudness, and that’s exactly the reason I am super fond of moments of shyness, peace and rest. I am currently looking for a sweet vacation spot where I can rest and lounge by calm beaches at sunrise or sunset or by serene lakes and still waters. I am on cloud nine and dwelling on greener pastures when I am resting and relaxing in heavenly calm, rather at home or on a quiet vacation spot. In my heart all day, all night and every day, every night there is peace that passes all understanding guarding me. I feel soft, smooth and peacefulness touching me and caressing me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, rather I’m asleep or awake. I really want the entire world to know how big of a fan of peace and shyness I am, and it would most definitely be my honor and pleasure to share with everyone and put out there my story of my love and adoration for endless, abundant peace, calm and shyness. Being at peace and still releases death to all anxiety, nervousness, stress, anger and frustration. Those things can make me sick and that’s not at all a healthy way to live-  being in never ending anxiety, nervousness, and always upset and frustrated nonstop. As they say, “you only live once (or yolo)” so one of my quotes I created for myself is, “Spend more time being, feeling and living peaceful and calm, relax and experience shyness while you can, because you don’t want to die young because of everyday anxiety and endless frustration and anger making you sick.” Enjoying life and being happy and peaceful can help you live better, long life and healthier. I also encourage everyone to spend more and more of their time in nature and look for some vacation spots that bring serenity and shyness to your day and find some calming, restful music- like soundscapes or quiet, soaking worship- that helps you create more peace and shyness in your everyday life. Most preferably, I recommend you check out an artist that crates restfully, peaceful music. All of her music sounds like soundscapes and shyness. Her name is Julie True. I am such a HUGE, HUGE fan of her and I heart all of her new music. I recommend everyone to go to her website: and check out her new restful, calming music that people use for prayer services/ meetings, bible studies, sleep, personal quiet time or personal relaxation. I listen to new music all day, everyday, and I would definitely encourage you to have her music on in the car, at home, at work or anywhere you listen to music. I hope my story was an enjoyment for you and that you consider calming your stress level down so that you can enjoy life more and live longer and healthier.

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