Drowning Out All Noise – by Jacob

One way I find peace in my heart instantly is by drowning out all unnecessary noise and chaos. When I drown out all noise, I feel a touch of stillness caressing me. I hear a still, small voice encouraging me to meditate upon the presence of my Heavenly Father. I feel myself relaxing in His presence. I feel myself resting upon His heart of hearts. I feel myself soaking up in bubbles of calmness. Drowning out all noise leads to complete stillness and silence. I can also sense pretty glimpses of morning sunrises and evening sunsets when I drown out all noise as I believe that sunrises and sunsets bring me peace to my heart. Sunrises and sunsets are also a reminder of my Heavenly Father’s perfect creation and that tells me that there is peace and rest around because by His creation, I know that His presence is always here. To me, drowning out all noise means that there are streams and rivers of perfect peace and blue skies of stillness that I can imagine. Drowning out all noise to me also means that I am carried away to a heavenly place of rest and calm, where no snare or fowler will ever be able to touch or mess with me. When I am in that heavenly place, there is no reason at all for me to fear or panic or worry, and I am securely touched and held in my Father’s loving, peaceful arms. Also in that heavenly place, He sings over me restful and calm lullabies and quiets me in His rest and stills me with His grace. That is proof of me drowning out all noise in order to focus solely on what my Heavenly Father has in store for me. I hope and pray that you, the reader, will be able to find a moment throughout your day, whether it’s 5 minutes or 50 minutes, to just simply be still in your Heavenly Father’s presence and drown out all the noise and the madness around you and hear His still, small voice calming your heart. God bless!!!

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