Blanket Me With Peace – by Jacob

Blanket me with perfect peace today, my Heavenly Father. Blanket me with rest and sleeping calm in order to relieve all anxiety and frustrations inside of me. Blanket my heart with heavenly peace. Let Your peace that passes all understanding guard my heart and my mind in the Name of Your Only Son, Jesus Christ. Let this peace still all my fears and my anxieties. Let this peace blanket my heart and rest my soul gently today. The peace You give me is not like the peace anyone else in this world can give me. The world tells me that it is possible for me to have peace when everything is going my way, when everything is going good and when there are no problems or upsetting situations. But You tell me that it is possible for me to have peace even in the midst of difficult circumstances and wars and health challenges and relationship/family problems and emotional turmoil. Your peace is a type of peace that absolutely no one in the world will ever be able to comprehend or explain. This is the type of peace I would love to have covered and blanketed in my heart and in my mind. When You, Oh Father God, blanket me with Your everlasting peace, absolutely no anxiety, stress, frustration, burdens, or sickness will ever be able to prevail. Blanket me today with peace like a river endlessly flowing in and through me. I am committed to creating and cultivating a life of peace and calm that cannot be overtaken by not one thing or person in this world. This life of peace and calm cannot be overcome by anyone or anything. My life of peace and calm is so valuable and precious and gifted to me and it is what I long to cherish forever and ever. I allow peace and flowing calmness to surround me with every breath that I take. I hope that it is your prayer, also, that the Heavenly Father blankets your heart with His peace that passes all understanding so that your life is more happier, healthier, and enjoyable. Best wishes of overflowing peace to you!

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