Busting Stress, by Jacob


In today’s society, stress unfortunately is a part of almost everyone’s norm. However, I’ve learned that we don’t have to let stress consume or overtake us in our daily lives. There are some ways to reduce stress and create more peace and calm in our lives. My encouragement for you, the reader, is to take at least a few minutes out of your day to just sit or rest and soak in quiet meditation, whether it be in your chair, bed, or your car. Another way you can bust stress in your life is by giving your soul a much-needed vacation. The way you do this is by coming to your Heavenly Father whenever you can feel weariness overtaking you and just simply receiving His rest and His peace. His rest and His peace are always free and available to you. Scripture says in Matthew 11:28, which is one of my very favorite Scriptures of all time, to come to Him whenever you are weary and heavy-laden and He will give you rest. So I urge you to come to your Heavenly Father whenever your soul is filled with so much tiredness and tension. Let Him provide you with the true rest and comfort that your soul needs. Lay your burdens and your cares and your anxieties at your Heavenly Father’s feet. Invite Him to come and rest in your heart. If you feel like you need to, simply go in a quiet and empty space or room and fall to your knees in quietness and prayer and immerse yourself in this perfect peace that passes all understanding. Let your Heavenly Father wash away all anxious feelings and thoughts and allow yourself to trade them with His healing and peace. There’s no need to let stress or frustration or anxiety steal your peace and your calm. My encouragement and prayer for you is to let your Heavenly Father create never-ending peace and rest in your life. Our God is not the God of stress or anxiety—He is the God of peace and rest! Where the Spirit of our Heavenly Father is, there is freedom! So whenever you jump into His Spirit, you are free to simply receive His peace and His rest. Please, dear reader, freely receive and partake in the peace and rest of your Heavenly Father today, and don’t ever let stress or anxiety have the last say in your life again. God bless!

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