Be Still, by Jacob


Psalm 46:10 is a Scripture that provides true peace and rest. It reminds us to “be still and know that He is God.” Being still is powerful for me because I can actually take a moment to quiet myself and listen to the still, small voice of my Heavenly Father and truly know Him – truly know in my heart Who He is. My heart of trusting and knowing my Heavenly Father is my quiet, peaceful place. The happiest place on earth to me is not Disney World—the happiest place on earth is the peace and the rest and the presence of my Heavenly Father. I remind myself on a daily basis: Selah, Selah, Selah. “Selah” means to pause and reflect and rest in the presence of Christ. I reflect on spending quality time with Him and turn my mind on His peace and stillness. I pray for my Heavenly Father to teach me to be still in rest and quietness before His presence every single day. I know for a fact that there is never a need to be in a hurry because my Heavenly Father invites me freely to come unto Him and be still in Him and receive His rest and His everlasting peace. I can sense the Lord advising me to just simply relax in His presence and be still. There is no need to rush or be in a hurry or fight everything around me. All I need to do is fix my mind on my Heavenly Father and still my mind before Him. When I am still before His presence, I meditate on His goodness and His Word. To me, stilling myself before His presence is like when Jesus calmed the raging seas for His disciples because just as He commanded the winds and the waves to be still, I feel Him in my spirit reminding me to be still in my heart before my Heavenly Father. When I am still before Him, I exalt Him, meaning I think about Him and cling to Him way more than any hustle and bustle or any situation or problem that is keeping me from focusing on the fact that He is on the throne and is inviting me to be still in Him and rest in Him. In other words, I don’t glorify what upsets me, I glorify the One Who gives me true peace and rest – that is my Papa God! My prayer for you today, beloved reader, is to focus your mind and your eyes on the Prince of Peace and be still before Him whenever your problems get in the way. Happy reading and resting in Him!!!

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