Prisoner of Peace Always – by Jacob

It is so pleasuring to know that I have every right to be a prisoner of peace always. Being a prisoner of peace keeps me still and calm inside 24/7. Being a prisoner of peace lets me know every single second of the day that it is well with my soul, chaos or calm, rain or shine. This is my story, this is my song, living in perfect peace all the day long. I never want to be unchained and snatched away from God’s perfect peace that passes all understanding. He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters. When I lie in green pastures, I am a prisoner of peace, anchored to stillness and calm that no one or nothing will ever be able to remove me from. When I am led beside still waters, my soul and mind are refreshed and renewed, and I am shipped away to a place of rest, tranquility, and trust. For me, a heart of confidence and faith is a quiet, peaceful place. When I drink of my Father’s living waters of rest and quietness, I will never thirst again, I know for sure. In the stillness of my Father’s presence, I have the need to hear this quieting, resting voice assuring me that I am safe in His arms with every single breath that I take. Peace is always a promise from God. Abundant peace I could just crave and drink all day, every day if I could. I sleep in heavenly peace every night with the Shepherd holding me in His arms all through the night. I set my mind and my thoughts always on peaceful and heavenly things from up above. That’s what makes me a prisoner of peace always. It is always my job to be still and rest because all unnecessary noise and stress melts away and all my attention is turned toward my Heavenly Father. As the deer pants for the water, so does my soul thirst heavily for peace and rest. I enter through the veil of His peace and His stillness and I become a prisoner of peace always. When I am wrapped around His arms, I feel His peace and that’s exactly what makes me a prisoner of peace always. Being a prisoner of peace always is my favorite thing in the whole wide world more than anything else because it removes me from so much noise and distractions and drives me to focus solely on my Heavenly Father and hear His still, small voice speaking to my heart. That’s what being a prisoner of peace always means to me.

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